Why leadership is influence

Thomas Heimbrand
5 min readApr 5, 2021

Have you ever had a person in your life that you connected with? Someone that you would do anything for. In this blog, I will share some tips on how you can become that person.

Leadership is influence, and your ability to influence others will be your ticket to a successful and happy life.

People will not always remember what you say, but they will acknowledge the feelings they experienced from your last conversation.

How can you make a conversation memorable then?

Well, first of all, start by putting the other person first. It is not about you; it is about them. When you show sincere interest in others, they will find you interesting.

For you to find other people interesting, you need to value them. You cannot display a sincere interest in others if you don´t value them. People will test you and see if you are there for them or yourself.

But how can I value them if I don´t like them?

Well, perhaps you don´t like them because you don´t like yourself. What you see in yourself, you see in others. It is called the “law of the mirror.” Leadership always starts with yourself. Value yourself, and you will be able to value others. Trust yourself, and you will trust others. Love yourself, and others will love you.



Thomas Heimbrand
Thomas Heimbrand

Written by Thomas Heimbrand


My mission is to help others to improve their leadership skills because leadership is the difference that makes the difference.

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